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Technical Tips from Mark W. Persons
AM Receive Wire Antenna

If you need an AM receive antenna for a modulation monitor, a receiver for off-air monitoring or for EAS, one of your choices is a random length of wire, such as a ham radio operator might use.  This is the backyard of the studios at KKJM/KYES Radio in Sauk Rapids, MN. The tower is used to support an STL (Studio-Transmitter-Link) microwave dish.  The situation worked out well to hold one end of an AM receive antenna wire about 60 feet in length going down to the middle satellite dish.
Here is a close-up of the bottom end of the wire antenna at the back of a satellite dish.  Note a porcelain insulator is keeping the wire about a foot above the dish pedestal.  Along side is an RG-6A/U coaxial cable with the center conductor connected to the vertical wire.  The shield side of the cable is not connected here.  It is connected to ground in the building near a Dayton AF315AM Receiver.

In this case, the wire antenna is stranded and insulated #12 electrical wire.  It can be almost any wire and does not need to be insulated.

The top end of the wire has another porcelain insulator, about a foot from where it is attached to the tower.  The wire antenna is between two insulators and does not connect to ground. 

The stories go on and on.  Stop in again sometime.  I'll leave the soldering iron on for you. 
Mark W. Persons   ham W0MH      

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